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1016 E Jackson St, Medford, OR 97504 (directions) | (541) 282-4383

Medical Weight Loss

We recognize that attaining a sustainable, healthy weight is multifaceted. Our medical weight loss solutions provide personalized strategies, expert guidance, and unwavering support to make your journey transformative.

Vida’s Comprehensive and Individually Tailored Medical Weight Loss Program

Led by the expertise of Danna Morgan, FNP, our comprehensive approach goes beyond conventional weight loss, addressing the unique needs of each individual. From personalized consultations to holistic strategies, we guide you towards sustainable well-being. Here’s what the program includes:

Begin Your Medical Weight Loss Journey Today!

Schedule a Visit!


Initial Consultation

Embark on your personalized wellness journey with our thorough Initial Consultation, a pivotal step in understanding your unique health needs. Here are the key details:

  • Duration: 1 Hour
    Dedicate an hour to your well-being as we delve into a comprehensive assessment, ensuring ample time to address your concerns and lay the foundation for your personalized plan.
  • Comprehensive History and Physical Examination
    Experience a holistic evaluation that goes beyond the surface, incorporating a detailed history and physical examination. This in-depth analysis allows us to tailor our approach to your specific health profile.

After your comprehensive Initial Consultation, the next step in sculpting your personalized wellness plan is the Metabolic Evaluation. This in-depth analysis dives into your metabolic intricacies, unveiling key insights that lay the foundation for your tailored path to optimal health.

Metabolic Evaluation

Your comprehensive journey towards weight wellness continues with an advanced laboratory assessment – your Metabolic Evaluation. This vital phase of our Medical Weight Loss Program ensures a thorough understanding of your body’s unique metabolic landscape. We look at the following:

  • In-Depth Lab Values Analysis
    Delve into a meticulous examination of your lab results, going beyond the surface to unveil critical insights into your metabolic functions.
  • Correlation with Weight Management
    Our experts draw connections between your lab values and their impact on weight management, creating a tailored approach that addresses your specific needs.
  • Identification of Potential Contributing Factors
    Pinpoint potential factors influencing weight gain or hindering weight loss, allowing us to craft targeted strategies for effective and lasting results.

This Metabolic Evaluation will guide you toward informed decisions and a personalized path to weight wellness.

Metabolic Evaluation Icon
Weight Loss Injections Icon

Medical Weight Loss Injections

When required, Danna Morgan, FNP, ensures your weight wellness journey is both safe and effective through this targeted intervention. Here are the key features:

  • Safety First
    Our weight loss injections are rigorously tested, meeting the highest safety standards to provide you with a secure and reliable solution.
  • Weekly Dosing Tailored to You
    Enjoy a personalized experience with weekly dosages meticulously adjusted based on your unique responses and individual symptoms. This ensures a tailored approach for optimal results.
  • Clinical Trial Findings
    Backed by extensive clinical trials, our injections have demonstrated remarkable outcomes, including significant weight loss, cardioprotective benefits, and reduced A1C levels. These findings underscore the effectiveness and holistic benefits of our weight loss program.

Our Weight Loss Injections are carefully calibrated and evidence-based solutions for lasting results.

Holistic Weight Wellness Plan

Our comprehensive program encompasses more than just shedding pounds. Danna Morgan, FNP, tailors a holistic plan addressing various facets of your well-being. Here are the main components of our Holistic Approach:

  • Nutrient Injections
    Replenish essential nutrients crucial for energy, metabolism, and overall vitality. Our nutrient injections provide a boost to support your body’s optimal functioning.

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (as needed)
    Achieve hormonal balance with personalized Hormone Replacement Therapy, addressing potential imbalances that may impact your weight management journey.

  • Supplement Bundles for Enhanced Effectiveness
    Augment your progress with carefully curated supplement bundles, offering additional support to enhance the effectiveness of your weight loss plan.

  • Body Contouring Services
    Sculpt and redefine your physique with our specialized body contouring services, designed to complement your weight loss efforts for a more toned and rejuvenated appearance.

  • Lifestyle Modifications
    Embrace sustainable changes in your daily life. Our program includes guidance on practical lifestyle modifications that seamlessly integrate with your routine, fostering long-term well-being.

This holistic approach ensures a transformative weight wellness journey that goes beyond numbers on a scale, focusing on your overall health and vitality.

Holistic Weight Wellness Plan
Personalized Guidance and Treatment Icon

Personalized Guidance and Treatment

Your journey towards sustained well-being is unique and we recognize the importance of individualized care. Danna Morgan, FNP, crafts Personalized Treatment Plans that evolve with you, ensuring continued success beyond initial milestones. This includes:

  • Tailored Strategies for Continued Success
    Benefit from strategies meticulously tailored to your specific needs and responses. Our personalized approach ensures that your treatment plan aligns with your evolving requirements for ongoing success.
  • Bridging from Weight Loss Injections to Sustained Well-Being
    Transition seamlessly from our Weight Loss Injections to a holistic well-being approach. Our treatment plans provide a bridge, facilitating a smooth journey towards sustained health and vitality.

Experience a weight wellness program designed just for you, supporting your progress at every step and guiding you towards a future of enduring well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

1016 E. Jackson
Medford, Oregon 97504

Monday-Thursday: variable hours by appointment only
Same day appointments available